Reverse: MacBook OS-X VM in Windows
Closed     Case # 10030     Affiliated Job:  BaBaDou DOT Com
Opened:  Thursday, February 25, 2010     Closed:  Thursday, February 25, 2010
Total Hit Count:  31808     Last Hit:  Saturday, September 14, 2024 2:23:46 PM
Unique Hit Count:  7517     Last Unique Hit:  Saturday, September 14, 2024 2:23:46 PM
Case Type(s):  Helpdesk, Server, Network
Case Notes(s):  All cases are posted for review purposes only. Any implementations should be performed at your own risk.

I own a MacBook Pro, which for hardware, is a fantastic piece of equipment. I cannot say I am a fan of OSX however. So I will primarily run Windows 7 through a boot camp session. I do like the iTunes and the features offered with iPhoto; therefore, I will sync my iPhone on the OSX side. So in my research, I wanted a way to boot my OSX partition in a VM while in Windows 7 - connect it to a USB interface connecting my iPhone so I could keep it synced through this VM session.

Parallel desktops offers the ability to boot a separate partition (rather than a virtual hard disk file) in a VM on the Mac side; therefore, I wanted to do the same on the windows side - booting my OSX physical partition within a VM. Booting Vista or Windows 7 in a VM on the Mac side is far too cumbersome and slow, I have found doing the reverse (OSX in a VM) offers much better performance, I believe since OSX is a Linux operating system.

Action(s) Performed:
Total Action(s): 2
Action # Recorded Date Type Hit(s) User Expand Details
10115 4/21/2010 9:56:13 AM Helpdesk 3615 OSX in a VM There is a VM hardware configuration already constructe  More ...
10116 4/21/2010 9:55:13 AM Helpdesk 3372 My thoughts of Apple vrs Microsoft In my opinion the difference b  Collapse ...
Last Hit: Saturday, September 14, 2024 2:08:01 PM

My thoughts of Apple vrs Microsoft

In my opinion the difference between Microsoft and Apple are relatively simple:
-   Microsoft
   o   Manufactures software
   o   The software offers an abundant number of features and integrates well with other Microsoft solutions providing the best collaborative environment for businesses and homes along with offering the greatest compatibility to third party applications & hardware; however, creates a great deal of complexity issues.
   o   Money is made through software; therefore, OS - Server and Office products are pricy
-   Apple
   o   Manufactures hardware
   o   The hardware is perfectly designed to work with included software; however, the included OS is limited in its feature set and third party compatibility offerings - this in the end creates a very user friendly & uncomplicated approach.
   o   Money is made through hardware; therefore, hardware is pricy, but revisions to OS are priced attractively

This was more of an endeavor to see how it worked rather than using it frequently - because of the interruption in Windows boot I have been careful how often I do it; however, I only experienced that once - the first time. Also like I mentioned, the goal was to sync my phone in the OS and it is a little finicky so I find it is more trouble to me then just physically booting up the Mac OS. But it does work and performance wise, much better then Windows in a VM under Mac OSX.

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